I’ve been searching for a fix and my eyes are starting to bleed. The materials have different IDs, and I’m pretty much mimicking every setting that every tutorial or forum that I’ve come across has suggested.
I was looking through our crash data base and I noticed that you got a crash in project: UE4-NewLightScene
Date: 3/26/2017
Did this happen while applying a cloth asset to a material slot? We have several users getting this crash and I would be interested in how you reproduced it or resolved it.
That being said I have reproduced your issue. I want to investigate further before logging a bug report. I will update you with more information after the testing is complete.
looks like the same problem described in: https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/524403/apex-cloth-problem-in-414.html
As well as in a few other threads. This occured first in 4.14 and i think theres a bug report about this, but it was marked as “will not fix” or something similar.
Hopefully the issue will get the attention it deserves.
As you can see in the public notes this was caused by a compatibility issue from using a pre 3.4 plugin version. If we have an asset using the correct workflow and correct plugin version I can enter a new ticket for this case.
I am currently looking into this as I need to confirm this is a consistent issue with the engine.
I made a quick test asset in 3dsMax and got it working with the latest plugin.
I did see in another thread that with maya there is a bug where you may need to flood your cloth with max distance weight of .001 or possibly a little bit larger of a value.
Also, could you please provide any information if you got a crash while working with Apex clothing? As I stated earlier I saw that you got a crash in our database. That crash is occurring for many other users so any information you could provide would be greatly appreciated.
I can’t remember any circumstances for a recent crash using apex, I usually just mash the button and carry on : D
That said, I never have any noticeable issues when using the apex plug-in in either Maya or UE4, apart from the issue concerning this thread! My experience with the plug-in has been very smooth and stable!
Definately some improvement! Tried to flood it with various influences ranging from 0.0001 to 1.
I suspect that my problem now could possibly be scene units and rotation axis. Not entirely sure if any of that should matter, but it might! I’ll keep you updated if I find any success after playing around with these settings!
I would also just double check that you have the very latest plugin update for maya. They last few plugins have been pretty buggy for example 3dsMax would crash when you try to use the Apex cloth tool. So being up to date is pretty important.
I also do have the same issue as from 4.14 with the latest Maya physX plugin. I’m pretty sure the problem occurs with up-to-date version of maya, physX plugin and UE4.
We are planning to incorporate a new clothing solver in a future engine version that may invalidate these issues. As such even if we put in a bug report it won’t apply to our new clothing solver.
Once this is out, try out your assets and see if they work with the new system.
for sticking with us and following up on the issue Ed! Looking forward to the new cloth solver, hopefully I won’t pest you with more headache regarding clothing issues once the new version comes around! Best of luck!