PhysX clothing clip during animation


I’m running some tests with the PhysX Clothing plug-in for Maya and I am having an issue with clothes clipping in more extreme poses.

This is a closed skirt type of item, obviously that will have some challenges as compared to open trenchcoats, regular pants and capes etc.

To illustrate what is going on:
Now I realize that getting physx to work with something like this will be difficult, I obviously need potentially shorten the item, as well as figure out a way to constrain it the lower leg/calf so it doesn’t overflow the actual foot.

What I was wondering though: What changes should I make to this mesh initially to get some better results?

I imagine making the actual item a lot wider and potentially creasing it, either manually or through PhysX, might be a solution. I’ve tried experimenting with stretch factors both in the PhysX plug-in and in UE4, but haven’t had much luck with that.

Also, I haven’t tried doing this in-engine with the ue4 cloth system - Does anyone have any experience with that? Will the results be better, worse or the same as compared to using PhysX directly?

Finally would like to point out to people that haven’t tried using the procedural cloth simulation tools before: The results are amazing. Like ridiculously good, it’ll blow your mind when you actually try it.

Testing it out in UE4 right now and whenever I try to paint on the mesh it just completely freezes until I release the button, if I reduce the value it kinda works, but not really. Anyone know why? It’s not a very complicated mesh, it’s less than 7k verts.

Made this sort-of work by just clicking to paint, but the results aren’t really up to the PhysX in Maya. Constraining it to the physics asset is pretty hopeless with animations. Maybe I just don’t understand it all of course.

I like how the ue4 version seems to detect a two-sided cloth and eliminates the need for latching and driving though.