Physics slow until interacted with?

I am having an issue where the physics on an object is falling very slowly until I move the camera into it, it then bounces and acts like its meant to. I assumed it was because I needed to wake the Rigidbody but that doesn’t seem to help. I’m doing the following

	Mesh = CreateDefaultSubobject<UStaticMeshComponent>(TEXT("Mesh"));
	RootComponent = Mesh;

I’m also on tick trying the following


This also happens with the default shapes provided by unreal, I’ve also tried upping the mass to insane numbers, and doesn’t help.
It still doesn’t seem to wake so I don’t think that’s the issue. Would love some help!

I have now figured it out, its because of the RadialForceComponent I had on the mesh. After setting Auto Activate to false it fixed the problem. I noticed physics outside of the radial force was working fine. Need to watch out for that in the future!


Thanks @Hersh97, you have restored my sanity today. That crafty auto activate got me too! I was seeing really weird behaviour with a particular mesh and I didn’t realise the radial force was even active.

I added it ages ago while prototyping and completely forgot about it. :sweat_smile:

Glad I could help! It took me a little while to figure it out as well haha.

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