Hi there I’m currently trying to get a box to slide across a box, all I’m doing is constantly setting the linear velocity on tick, this works fine if the floor I’m sliding it on is one object, however if i tile the floor with boxes (all the same height) the box will catch on the transition like they are not the same height occasionally. I’ve tried adjusting everything I can find but the problem still persists
am I to assume from the retag that it’s not a bug? or is it just that it hasn’t been recreated so it’s not technically a bug yet or something?
I’m having the same issue… Did you find any solution for this?
not really, not even a response as to if its a bug or not, I managed to sort of work around it by adjusting the collision mesh so that the cube it was sliding onto was imperceptibly lower which made it a lot better, the other workaround was one large invisible collision mesh that is slightly higher than the tiles, but it depends on what your situation is i suppose