Physics Simulation working on one PC but not another

A friend and I are working on a game together that has a simple premise. Balls spawn over time and they start moving in a random direction. They keep moving with physics simulation and bounce off of walls with no friction so that they maintain the same speed until they collide with other balls or the player.

Everything is working fine on my PC, but when I shared the project through Perforce and he attempts to run it, the balls don’t move. It’s as if simulate physics is turned off for the ball meshes. Even when he runs into the balls to push them, they move slightly with the character but then abruptly stop instead of maintaining their speed. We double checked that simulate physics was indeed turned on for the ball meshes and even tried to toggle it off and back on. We also tried building the project before running it, checked the blueprint code and nothing seems to be out of the ordinary. It just works for one of us but not the other.

Any ideas as to why this wouldn’t be working? General advice is fine, as I know an in-depth analysis would probably require a lot more information.

Could it have to do with a difference in plug-ins? Perhaps some blueprints are not compiling correctly? A difference in hardware?

We are at a loss attempting to get it working for about a week now with no luck. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hey there @DingusBungus! How similar is the framerate between the machines? Does it work with your frames locked?

Does the solution in this thread help?

The framerates are about the same. I tried on my machine with lower frames and locked frames but wasn’t able to duplicate the issue. My friend has been busy so he hasn’t been able to try on his end with the pre-physics option so that will be the next step.

Thanks for the help!

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No worries, let me know how it goes! Physics depends on a decent number of factors, though in relatively similar conditions they should be consistent between machines.

The Ball needs to be set to replicate and any forces applied must be applied by the server proxy.