Physics simulation issues on Standalone Dedicated Server

I can’t simulate physics of any object in standalone mode on a dedicated server (singular mode of disabled game instance) the object starts to vibrate and shake when my character touches it and then is thrown away, this doesn’t happen in offline mode, I checked, everything is replicated, the physics, the component, the parent actor and root all completely replicated, I also checked the simple collision, but nothing wrong, I’ve tried in other projects but the same problem occurs. In the server terminal appears the message: PhysicsX error, only if the object is part of a single mesh (but my blueprint only has a mesh that I try to simulate physics ‘-’).

I’ve tried another PC, it’s the same thing.

I found a temporary solution, do not drop the actor that contains the mesh that will simulate physics in the world, because when playing, the client and the server will reproduce a ghost actor, overlapping the collision, in the blueprint level graph spawn the blueprint in the desired place on authority.