Physics simulation disabled during montage play (UE 5.2)

Basically the title.
I have some bones which are set to be simulated.
This works fine when my normal animation sequences are being played (movement/jumping/etc.) but when I play a montage using PlayAnimMontage method these bones become kinematic and since the montage doesn’t have any movement targetted at those they just stick in place until the end of montage at which point they change back to being simulated.

I even tried manually setting the simulation on, right after starting the montage using SetAllBodiesBelowSimulatePhysics but this doesn’t work…

I also tried blending the montage channel with another animation sequence and get the animation for those bones from that sequence (since sequences work fine) but that does not work either
Would really appreciate if someone could tell me how to fix this.

For anyone else who might have the same issue (quite unlikely), I finally managed to find the problem after about 5-6 hours of debugging >.<

The problem was I was disabling the owners collision using this piece of code before the montage and re-enabled it after the montage ended. Somehow that resulted in physics simulation also stopping…


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