Hi, I have set some physics simulated actors in scene and when they have little separation (less than 200-400 unreal units) between them they undesiredly go through other actors, even with BlockAll collision, Use CCD and other physics accuracy properties set up.
I thought it was velocity but after some tests with diferent start velocities it seems it’s a distance issue.
Do you know how to avoid that simulated actors go through others when they are close at the start of the simulation?
It’s weird because now I’ve set them to go at a very fast start velocity and still go through one another if they are very close when the simulation starts; the going through seems to depend on distance and not on velocity.
Any ideas?
Solved: these actors used to be simulated with the click of a button so not at start up. If at the construction script of the actors they are set to be simulated and in a major gameplay blueprint like the gamemode they are set not to simulate 0.2 seconds after Begin Play the going through doesn’t happen anymore once the simulate button makes them simulate, weird as it sounds.
This might be because of some sort of engine error, so I think Epic should check it out if they consider it could be that, although this hypothetical error might be difficult to locate.