I am playing around with the physics engine a bit and I have run into a problem with my performance.
I have created an actor with a static mesh cube with collisions and physics enabled, nothing else.
In the picture below I have spawned around 2000 of them and let them fall to the ground and my framerate is really suffering
The approximate percentage is about 80.
From testing the seme scenarios in both sauces.
This may have gotten better with ue5 - there’s about 1 or 2 years of development since I benched.
Also new processors which hog down a lot less, so testing the new stuff on the same old processor would give me a decent comparative metric, but you wouldn’t find many using the same i9 anymore.
It’d be interesting to see a POLL about Chaos. How many users are sticking with UE4 to avoid it for now?
Plus, how many others have attempted to port PhysX over to UE5 (as some at least have apparently tried).