Physics on modular character’s attached parts

In reference to the docs for working with modular characters.

Can you have dynamics/physics when using the “Mesh Merge” method?

I mean independently for each merged part with their own animGraphs… for example, if you had unuique customizable armor parts that can be swapped by the user on the fly, and each armor has a subset of skeleton joints to attach to the main body but also has their own additional joints that are unique to that armor part, where you can add things like poseDrivers and springControllers, and animDynamics ect in their own animGraphs so they get secondary motion as the character moves?

Which method would be the most efficient for this? I understand that the Master Pose method uses only the masters animation but has many draw calls for each part, and the merged method has only the draw calls for the single merged mesh, and the copy pose method has animations for each child part and multiple draw calls. Also, Can your attached parts have their own cloth sim with any of these methods?

Does retargeted animation work with these methods?

Are there any examples of the Mesh Merge where each merged part has their own unique physics/animGraph? Is it possible?

Also, how does the Beta plugin Control Rig that was used in Fortnite (like the gauntlet example), compare to these other methods for attachable parts? It looks like they would allow dynamics with their own animGraphs for each attached part. Is the Control Rig plug-in supported? Is it being worked on? Are there plans for releasing it officially?

I understand that the Master Pose method doesn’t support physics on the attached children. Is that true? You can’t have an AnimGraph for each with their own nohysics nodes, like a spring controller?

Hi CaptnSpinny , I also tried the tutorial: Working with Modular Characters | Unreal Engine Documentation

As described in the tutorial, the “Mesh Merge” solution should be also capable of using physics after merge. When I use the mesh merge, I can’t activate physics on the merged mesh. Any idea way?