Physics Object doesn't accelerate past a certain velocity when a Character is on top of it...


I’m trying to make something simple: an elevator. It works like a charm, unless my character is actually on top of it, and for how much I’ve fiddled with any possible variable in the character and its movement component, I can’t get to understand what the problem is… and how to solve it.

Here’s the basic implementation: as you step on a trigger, a force is applied to the static mesh representing the elevator until it reaches a certain velocity (for the sake of this experiment, I’ve set that terminal velocity to 1000cm/s). The static mesh is obviously simulating physics, has a mass of 10000kg and is constrained to move solely on the Z axis; furthermore, linear and angular damping are set to 0 and has a frictionless physical material applied to it. Here’s the blueprint:

(before you ask: yes, I’ve tried both with and without the “Accel Change” variant)

Now, it does reach its 1000cm/s but only if my character is NOT over it. With my character on top, its velocity caps at around 129cm/s:

I have spent many hours trying all possible combinations of settings in my Character components, especially fiddling with Character Movement (including the Physics Interaction setting and the infamous Push Force Factor). I get minimal variation in the top velocity I can reach, but no appreciable change.

Now, plot twist: trying to take a better video for this post I tried doing it in slow motion (console command slowmo). Turns out that if I slow the simulation, that top velocity increases significantly – up to 600cm/s (yet, gets to 1000 again only if I step out of the elevator). That made me think I had to fiddle with the Project Settings, so I tried enable substepping, physics async substepping, and various values for substepping intervals and amount… but again, to no avail – substepping or not, I can’t make that elevator go past 130 cm/s if my character is on top of it.

Does anybody know how can I reach my goal?

Any help is tremendously appreciated.


Try this:
Open your Character BP, check Ignore Analytic Collisions in Capsule Component.


That works!

I’m really really grateful, thanks for taking the time to answer!


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