Physics Not Working with Animations

Hello, I am trying to rig a combine in unreal engine 4, specifically the augur. The augur needs to be able to swing outwards just like normal. I have rigged the combine in Blender for use in UE4 and have the vehicle blueprint, animation blueprint, etc. working. I also imported a custom animation I made for the swinging of the augur. The animation is being used in a state machine which swings out the augur at a press of a button. This is all fine and works great until I try to apply a physics body to the augur. The augur does not stay in place if I have a physics body on it. It drops to the ground right when I press play and drags along behind my combine. If I change the physics type to kinematic it works perfectly Fine again, but I would like to have the augur affected by physics. Would anyone have any idea what’s going on?