Physics Mass Override

Is there any way to change the mass of a physics simulated static mesh?


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mass is calculated by the size of the object, in the physics option you can use Mass Scale to change the value.

Dear Skydive,

I’ve posted a tutorial on how you can change physics mass during runtime here!

Wiki Link

A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Unreal Engine Forums!

Code from tutorial:

void AYourStaticMeshActorClass::SetMassScale(const float& NewScale)
	if(!StaticMeshComponent) return;
	FBodyInstance* BodyInst = StaticMeshComponent->GetBodyInstance();
	if(!BodyInst) return;
	// New Scale 
	BodyInst->MassScale = NewScale;  
	// Trigger Update! 

Wow, ! You are phenomenal!

hee hee!


#corrected Link

UDN doesnt like my ! :slight_smile:,_Dynamically_Update_During_Runtime!

Hi ,

Can you provide some recommended way to add physics to Actor with Procedural Mesh component which has been spawned in the scene at the runtime?
