Physics: I can push a cube around but not pick it (or anything) up and carry/move it around in mid-air?

The problem I’m having is that I can push a physics-enabled cube around, showing that physics is enabled on both ends (player and item) but I can’t pick up the cube (or any other physics-based item) and carry it in mid-air. I can get a line trace, although that has been giving me problems as well but I think that’s for another question. My main priority at the moment is to basically get the physics up and running so that I can - at the very least - grab and/or move around a physically-enabled item.

Prior to working with the Unreal Engine, I built on the Source Engine using Hammer Editor. In that environment everything was done by hand. You imported the model into XSI (or equivalent program) in order to create a Rigid Body and then that was referenced within the .QC file to create the physics body associated with the model within the engine.

I have chosen to mention that here, on the one hand to show that I’m not a total noob but also as I feel that maybe this ‘old-school’ approach is what could be causing some (if not all) of my problems.

Nowadays my preferred tools are Unreal Engine and Blender. However whilst I can create pretty much anything in terms of geometry I am still very new to Blender and the technical aspects of the software.

I’m fairly new to UE myself, and I have not found any reasonable way to manually manipulate the position of an object that is simulating physics. Perhaps you could disable physics for the target object, then move it around, and then re-enable physics when you drop it.

Hm, yeah maybe. I’ll give that a try and let you know how it goes :slight_smile: Thanks for such a quick response. :slight_smile:

Add a PhysicsConstraint component in front of your camera. Have the first component be the Mesh of your character, and when you line trace an actor you want, put the that actor as second actor for the PhysicConstraint.

To place item, just deactivate constraint.