Physics Handle rotation

Hello guys,

I’m just having a little bit of trouble trying to figure out a way to flip physics objects to be facing up when grabbed. Currently, it kind of works but the objects reset to a 0,0,0 position every time it’s grabbed (duh? hah) I want to keep the rotation that happens after it’s been picked and flipped upright but as you can see that rotation is lost (resets to 0,0,0)

Here is a little video and a screenshot of my bp. I also saved the transforms of the object in a variable to do some sort of check, if not = 0,0,0, it also kinda works but it’s always coming up true just from moving the object, (very little change on any axis will be true)

I also tried some things with the Grab Component at Location with Rotation but can’t seem to figure it out :S

I’m just a beginner with blueprints, I’m sure I’m just missing something very obvious but any help would be helpful.

I figured it out! my confusion was that I was trying to get my object to have Z up… haha silly me, when I really wanted to have Y up… the Z axis from my saved variable was storing my object’s rotation (Yaw).

So all I had to do was leave the Y and X input reset to 0 when grabbed and send through the stored Z bit of data coming from my saved variable and now it works as intended.

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