Physics Handle Component not working in 5.0 ( but working in 4.27.2 )


I use a Physics Handle Component in Actor1 to grab ( Grab Component at Location ) a Capsule Collision ( Component ) of Actor2 and then move the Physics Handle Component around. The Capsule Collider then has the same movement as the Physics Handle Component.
It works great in UE4 but not in UE5.

The Physics Handle Component moves around in UE5 but there seems to be no connection between the Physics Handle Component of Actor1 and the Capsule Collider of Actor2.
The Capsule Collider just doesn’t move.

What has changed that it doesn’t work anymore and how can I fix it ?


Hi Jokerminator!

I was having the same issue but what fixed it was manually waking the rigid body with a blueprint node.

Hope this helps!


Oh… this good old problem again.
Thank you very much for this info! I’ll give it a try. :laughing:

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