Physics/Falling not working with Destructible Mesh and BluePrint

I have a Blueprint Box I’ve made with a floor that is a destructible mesh.

I place a blue print with a single static mesh inside the box. I will call this BPfallobject. It has physics turned on. It has collision.

When I shoot the floor out from under the BPFallobject it does not fall to the ground. The destructible mesh breaks up and falls to the ground just fine so the bpfallobject is just haning in mid

If I just place BPfallobject in world it falls.

If I place a static mesh inside the box as opposed to a blueprint containing the static mesh it falls.

If I go inside the box I can see the bpfallobject fall to the floor of the destructible mesh.

I ran another test and the straight static mesh appears to get stuck too.


I attempted to reproduce this but so far without luck. The box placed on top of the destructible floor falls correctly for me.

Could you create a small test project and upload it here?


I was actually able to run a quick test based on your input and now I’m really confused.

I created a brand new FPS project with starter content.
I migrated the 2 assests I’m having problems with into that starter content.
They work fine. I shoot the floor out and everything falls to the ground.

Does this give you any clue as to what I should be looking at?

I did check physics in world settings and they are identical across both projects.



If you migrated over the same assets and they worked, plus the projects physics settings are the same, I’m not sure.

I would make a copy of your project before you try these but here are a couple other things to try.

  • Create a new level and retest there (it’s possible the level has become corrupted)

  • Create new assets for the platform and the box (they shouldn’t be corrupted because they worked in the new project but just in case it’s worth trying)

Just curious, have you migrated your project from past version of the engine? If so, what other versions has it gone through?

I’ve migrated from 4.10 to 4.11 to 4.12 to 4.13.

I’ve been working on this project for just about a year now.

Say the level is corrupt how do I either get it uncorrupt or get all of my current world assets over to the new map?

I’ve basically created an open world filled with forest, water, a mountain and so on.

The main option you have if the level is corrupt, is to see if you have an older version of the level in your backup folder that doesn’t have the issue.

  • ProjectName\Saved\Backup

If that doesn’t work, you could try migrating your assets, level, and everything over to a new project and see if that fixes it. Most likely if the level is corrupted there, then it will be corrupted in the new project. But it might be worth a shot.

Maybe you could avoid all this by working around the issue though. When you say the box is just hanging in midair after the platform falls; has the physics box fallen asleep? You can check this by getting a reference to it and when the platform falls, wake the box.


I got it to work but I am confused. I still don’t understand why the OLD box worked in the starter content FPS level but not in my level.

Originally the box was build with all destructible walls and a frame of static meshes. I only had the floor set up to receive hit events. I had physics turned off on the floor. If I placed a static mesh in this box and shot the floor out in my game map level the static meshes would hang in midair.

I made a new box with just the floor being destructible BUT I turned physics on. I made all of the other walls static meshes. This works.

I’ve watched a couple of different tutorials on destructible meshes, but I feel like I am doing something wrong even though it is working now.

What do you think?

Thanks for your time,


I’m not really sure off hand. Since destructibles differ so much from standard physics objects they can sometimes have quirks to work out. Unfortunately they aren’t top priority at the moment and most bugs we do find are backlogged.

With that said; if you find some exact repro steps, feel free to post them here and I’ll try to dig into it a bit.

The main thing is that you found something that works for you.

Hi TJ,

I’m of the same mind as you. I’ve got it working. It may be something I revisit in the future, because the physics are acting kind of weird, but I want to move on so I can get the project down and out into the world.

Thanks again for all of your guidance.



Work around. Please review for answer.