Physics Driven Animation (Who do I have to wine and dine to get this into UE4?)

So I was watching the stream getting excited for 4.12, then you guys sprung this on me:

Skip to 45:38

Considering this is not a promised feature, but more of an experiment, it might not be added in the next release.

Let’s cut to the chase:
Who do I have to “wine and dine” to get this fast-tracked into UE4?

Or perhaps dinner and a movie instead?

All I know is that I would really like to have this feature, not just for games, but also for senseless fun while I’m on break. :stuck_out_tongue:
So let’s have a nice evening and talk about what it would take to get this in the next release. :slight_smile:

The physics with only the upper body would be nice for a racing game. Like in Little Big Planet Karting, which I was forced to play too many times by bipeds of half my size.
There was an interesting thread ongoing here about Full Body IK and Biped walking. Unlucky, real Full Body IK is too expensive on the CPU.