Physics Different in Packaged Game (Consistent in Viewport and Standalone) Event Post Physics Tick

Hey, folks. I have a physics tick/packaging question!

After packaging my project for Windows, my post-physics event tick (used to get move my character’s hands to the handlebars of a vehicle each frame) doesn’t work as it should. In the viewport and standalone test modes, the hands stay snapped to the bars no matter what. In the packaged game, they slowly lag behind as the vehicle moves forward, and eventually catch up when the vehicle stops.

I have this set up on a Post-Physics Event Tick, as if the engine computes it at the same time as physics, the hands lag behind and jitter around a ton. This works flawlessly in-editor, but not packaged!
Could there be some packaging setting that affects physics that I’m missing? Does my Event Post Physics Tick just not work when things are packaged?

I followed a youtube tutorial to set up the Post-Physics Tick, I can link it if that’d help solve this puzzle. I was hoping to contact the video creator, but his Discord link is broken. Let me know if there’s any bonus info I can give to solve this, or if there’s a better place to post this question. Thanks!