Physics constraints

I’m trying to use physics constraints instead of using bones to try and real simulation vehicle handling. But so far I can’t get a single physic constraint to do what I want. I have looked at the content example, looked at documentation and have also looked on answer hub. but every with no success. here is the first pic of what I am trying to do.

I have the car chassis and I’m trying to add constraint to the radius rods that will connect to the front axle so the axle will pivit. I have added sockets to attach components to but when I simulate to see if everything works like it should I get this.

Everything falls to the ground. I have collision off so constraints collide. I have racked my brain trying to figure the problem and it could be a simple thing but I can’t figure it out. any help would be appreciated thankyou


Sorry for bumping this old topic, but did you find a solution? I’m having the same problem. Everything is set up correctly but when simulating or playing, the wheels just fall apart. This is my setup:

i would love to see a how to documentation or tutorial on how to properly set this up as i have the same issue.

I couldn’t get it to work properly. they would collide with each other and I couldn’t get to do what I wanted. So I went the bone route, but instead of having 1 root bone and have all the suspension like the advance vehicle. I did what others have done and make multiple components and gave them a root bone and attached them via socket and set the animation to lookat. Have a look on the forum, there is a guy on there that has used the multiple root way and also has used it to animate things like steering wheels, gear lever changes. here is a video of the gear lever link text