I’m trying to create a winch system that raises and lowers and object that maintains physics and renders a cable between the winch and the object. My setup consists of a placeholder object, a cable, and the child object, with a physics constraint in between. Worth noting is the actor containing all of this is a Chaos vehicle, and contains other unrelated components. When I simulate or play the attached object instantly moves either randomly or under world 0.
Any help in figuring this out would be much appreciated.
EDIT: Moving the winch assembly to a separate blueprint then attaching it to the original blueprint resolved the unpredictable location. I believe I know what’s causing this, “move component to” seems to be updating the location of the physics constraint regardless of the input of the component to be moved. Bug only noticed on engine 5.3
So, remove the cable.
Make sure the setup works first.
Then add the cable back since it should really just be a visual.
I would suggest not using physics on this at all.
Yea its probably nicer to have the object dangle like a pendumulm on a swing rather than have it start dangling after the lenght controlled by the winch…
You could always do your own math on that to accomodate motion more accurately than chaos if you really wanted to.
If you really want to persist on using the chaos chaothic setup, then the way you attach and settings for it are whst you should focus on.
There are a couple content examples you can pull your exact final setup out of.
I believe 2 constraints are required. You need to look into the content examples, particulalry since with chaos they are different now.
Should be within the Physics map.