I’m trying to add a physics constraint to my actor in blueprint using component. And it doesn’t matter what I do it doesn’t work. I’ve tried everything. for the past 2 weeks I’m trying to get a physics constraint to act like a 6DOF joint but all it does is allow the second component that it is joined too to fall. I have added linear and angular drive to it and that doesn’t stop or change the way it acts. in the example content the linear and angular drives would make it like a spring or like a shock (piston) but to get this to stay in the position of the socket on the mesh it won’t. I posted a message a week ago about this problem and I got no answer. is it a bug error or isn’t it supported by the engine at the moment. I have 2 pics to show the problem.
This is the position I would like it to stay and as you can see I have set the limitations of the joint but you can see in the second pic all it does is fall and the physics constraint does nothing.