Physics Constraint with dynamic limit is bouncing

I have a physics constriant set up to act as as a rope with an object attached to the end.
I change the rope length throught setting the Linear Limits in my Tick function.

if(CraneConstrain != nullptr)
	CraneConstrain->SetLinearXLimit(LCM_Limited, CableLength);
	CraneConstrain->SetLinearYLimit(LCM_Limited, CableLength);
	CraneConstrain->SetLinearZLimit(LCM_Limited, CableLength);

this works fine though there seems to be a problem with the physics calculations of the attached Object, making it bouce when the cable extents.

I assume whats happening is the following:

Object ist still
→ constraint limit gets extended (continuously)
→ object starts falling, accelerating (for a few frames)
→ object hits linear limit → velocity is killed
→ object starts falling again
→ infinite repeat of the last 2 steps

this results in the object bouncing around instead of being lowered smoothly.
Now ideally there would be a way to give the linear limit a velocity that is taken into consideration when reaching it. I cant seem to find a way to do this though.

Is there a way to solve this or will i have to make a custom solution for this? I really dont want to mess with engine physics code if possible

I managed to get a decent result by adding a setter method for the Restitution Value to the engine code and dynamically changing it to a negative value based on my desired velocity and the current velocity of the constrained component

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