Physics Constraint not behaving like expected?


I’ve run into an issue with physics constraints. It does not appear to behave how I expect it to.
I’m probably doing something wrong, if anyone has any tips that would be highly appreciated!

Here is my setup. All cubes are identical, and the default cube in unreal, the root is a physics simulating cube, attached to the root is a non-physics cube that is just attached to the first one. then attached to that a Physics Cube that is Constrained to the Non-Simulating Physics Cube. The XYZ Motion is set to locked, So I’m expecting the cube to stay in its position, or snap to the Constraint’s position. However it appears to snap to the Non-Simulating Cube with a slight offset. I don’t get why its position changes at all rather than following as if just attached.

Here is a gif, of what happens when I press simulate.
And this is with the constraint moved up

It seems like the constraint is constraining the physics object to an entirely different location than it is supposed to.
I don’t understand why this is happening. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know!
