Physics constraint glitching

I am using a physics constraint to pick up an object, however when I pick an object up and look at the floor, or try to bring it through a wall, it glitches through. Is there any way to fix this?

Are you sure you mean Physics Constraint, not Physics Handle? Usually Physics Handle is used to pick up objects.

Really? I didn’t know that, the tutorial I was following used physics constraint…

It there any notable difference between them?

Physics constraint is used to create a sort of connection between a physics actor/component and another actor/component. I can see how it may be used to create a pickup/drop system, but as for me using a Physics Handle is more versatile in this regard. It’s even in the name “Handle” =) And it has a built-in functioning that prevents clipping through walls etc.

Anyway, take a look at Physics Handle tutorials. They are numerous online.

Oh! Thanks! I must have just gotten unlucky with the tutorial I used!