Hello everyone!
Me and a couple of people are making a game and have run into a small issue which I can’t seem to figure out how to solve. We have some ships, which are supposed to have a platform attached to them which is attached to them, rotates and simulates physics. The reason is that when the water in our game rises we want the ships to rise with it and have the platform slide on the ground to follow. Here is a video with my issue:
I have attached a physics constraint component so that I can rotate the plank around the point where it clips into the ship, but it’s behaving very strangely. It acts like expected but when the plank becomes close to parallel it’s like the force towards the ship is so high it’s not letting it rotate properly. I’ve tried playing around with a lot of the settings on the physics constraint but no luck.
I suspect that the whole issue arises from the fact that the bounding boxes of the two meshes I am trying to connect are overlapping:
I also tried placing a physics simulated cube which is invisible and only interacts with the plank, constrained to the Z axis to constantly push the plank down, which I thought it worked but when I package the game the plank acts like the box weighs nothing.
I’m open to solutions that don’t involve the physics constraint component, or potential fixes for it.