Physics-based Directional Deceleration

Hello, everyone!
I have yet another question to ask today. How would I go about making a directional deceleration program in blueprint. I have a miniature tank that I’m using, (the tracks are non physics based in case that matters) But how would I successfully make it so if the tank is sliding, (velocity is in the same GENERAL direction as the right or left vector) to increase the deceleration along that local axis. It needs to be in blueprint and must not affect the forward or backward vectors.
I am using a pawn. (I have a reason for that)

Any ideas at all would help, even if you don’t entirely know. I’m really confused.

Ok, I figured it out, for those in the future who have the same problem, I used a dot product of its right vector and velocity, then I checked to make sure it wasn’t in the deadzone I specified (for no drifting) and if it was drifting, I would apply a force of the scaled down version of how far it passed the deadzone. Which provides the same effect of deceleration on the sliding axis.

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