Physics Asset & Physical Animation is breaking bones/mesh when moved/velocity?

I have used physics assets & physical animation in the past and never had a issue, have a had a ton of issues using it in UE5.1 though, also likely I may have just messed something up.

In the physics asset editor everything works fine, physics & animation, when simulating body in the world it works as expected, but as soon as the character moves the pelvis (or main non simulating bone) breaks away from the simulating bodies, this happens when both simulating & applying any physical animation, happens on every physics asset, mesh, skeleton & character I have tried to make it work on, as well as movement by either transform, charactermovement or physics.

The examples are using default mannequin assets. I have watched multiple different tutorials to see what i am doing wrong but even when i copy everything they do exactly it still happens.

(Same video just on youtube:

Apparently this was because of my physics settings, not 100% sure what it was but i think something to do with substepping. Reset to defaults and is working fine.

I ve been trying to solve siimilar issue ( simulated bodies and anims were out of sync the same way yours were) tick physics async was enabled and thats what was causing the issue