Created a new project using the Advanced Vehicle Template.
When you double click the Physic Asset of the car, you get this error.
Warning: Physics Asset has no default
SkeletalMesh assigned! For now, a
simple default skeletal mesh
will be used. You should repair the
DefaultSkeletalMesh using UnrealPhAT
(Edit → Change Default SkeletalMesh)
before saving this asset.
Followed by
But there is no Edit → Change Default Skeletal Mesh in the menus
Thank you for reporting this and the workaround. I’ve submitted a ticket for this issue (UE-6173) along with your post here. Once there is any relevant information regarding this issue I will update here.
This particular issue has long been resolved with Advanced Vehicle Template. If you are experiencing a different or similar issue please post as a new ticket on the AnswerHub in Bug Reports to be investigated. Thank you!