Physics Animation scales character when simulating

I’ve been looking everywere but I can’t seem to find anyone with the same or a similar issue. Basically I have a character with a PhysicsAsset all set up, ready for Physics Animation. When Tposing it works as intended, but as soon as I apply an animation with some kind of scale in it, it gets scaled incorrectly when simulating.

My goal is to get the proper scale when simulating, since I wan’t to have different body types by scaling the bones, exporting the pose as an animation, and applying it in Animation Mode > Use Animation Asset > Anim to Play.

I’ve checked the Physics Asset and applied the poses as reference, and they don’t get scaled when simulating, so I don’t think the Physics Asset itself may be the problem, but I really don’t know.

Left - Simulating Physics
Right - Not Simulating Physics (how it should look)