Physics actor dropping to ground when attached to character (Revival)

I have a physics constraint between 2 objects in my ThirdpersonCharacter_BP. It falls to the ground when I play. I believe this might be related to ALSO using “Set all bodies below Simulate Physics”, as the previous post also had this and never had the issue fixed.

Any idea how to work around this or what’s causing it? Tried attaching on begin play (weld) and it gets the impulses, but also falls to the ground.

Previous problem that was never resolved properly:

I’ve also tried to create a separate actor where I do my constraint, make it a child BP. The actor follows the physics object stays

I am so stupid. Been looking at it for days. The problem is that both have to have collision (I attached to a scene socket). Although I find it weird, it works!

Hey there Uggly_Owliiver,

I think I’m running into a similar issue and was wondering if you have more details about how you got it to work?
My current setup uses an actor with a static mesh and skeletal mesh that are connected via physics constraint. When I try to attach the static mesh to my character, the skeletal mesh does not follow and actually falls to the ground. (I am trying to allow my player to carry a ragdoll body)
I don’t quite understand what you mean by having both collisions set. Both my actor and character have collisions enabled (Physics & Query , and Physics Only) respectively.