Hi there,
I’d like to report a bug that have been really bothering us for quite a while concerning the enabling or disabling or physic simulation. Fixing this bug would save us a lot of torment.
Let’s start by showing the behavior in a template project:
Project you can download here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0t_2fINrHDHYUNHNVNXWjFMTjQ/view?usp=sharing
Basically, what this project does is enable simulate physics on the black cube in the middle, then disables it once it safely landed on the bottom cube. After that, it enables physics on the top cube, and once the top cube is near the black cube, it re-enables the black cube’s physics.
As you can see, if the black cube gets his physics re-enabled on a movable actor (on the right), it just clips through it. If the black cube gets his physics re-enabled on a static actor (on the left), its behavior is clean, it stays on the object.
This behavior is a big problem for us, as we need to load/unload streaming levels on which physics object from the persistent level is supposed to be standing on. The thing is, when we re-enable the physics simulation, all our objects just clips through the floor and fall into nothingness.
I don’t imagine it’s a wanted behavior, could this be added to the bug’s list to solve? That would be amazing.