Physical weight, without contact. Is it possible?

Id like to make that one objects waight affect other without being in contact with it. I though to experiment the how with a seesaw, where both objects are in equilibrium, but ones weight is transmitted via force without actually touch the seesaw.

So long I messed a little with tick update groups, AddForce and AddImpulse functions. No one worked.

Anny ideas? Am I doing anything wrong? Is it even possible without touching physX?


Bump, cant find a solution to the problem. I found that the standard Objects gravity doesnt work when applyed with forces. When applyed with forces, bodies are much more unstable, in fact, they never get to stabilize. Is there any way to apply forces the way physX or UE4 does?


You could add a box collision component that is larger than the mesh.

the mesh needs to be the child of the collision component, and it is the collision component which simulates physics.

The options here seem rather large, but in summary.

  1. Capture the current weight of the object in question, then Add force at location to match. This works well for “capturing” an object in some fashion (gravity gun)
  2. Create a collision mesh larger than your object, or seesaw. Remember that the mesh you see and the mesh collisions are detected using are different. This works well for “invisible force fields” or alike.
  3. attach the “floating” cube to a socket on the seesaw, I believe ChildActorComponent is used for this purpose - though I work in C++, so you’d have to google how with blueprints. This works well for “invisible connections”.
  4. Using Physics Constraints Ue4 wiki link here, I haven’t dabbled much in UE4 yet, but these are the “physical” links between objects. (this works well for pretty much everything, but has a steeper complexity)

You are looking for Physics constraints I believe, See my answer below.

I cant do that, so i want to apply the wheight of the box on the seesaw, but without the counterforce on the box. This will cause a counterforce on the box.

Thanks for the reply, I ve tested the first, and the results are very unstable(waay choppy than with contact, no suitable for gameplay).

The second option will create a counterforce on the box, and I want to be able to control the counterforce manually.

The third will fit perfectly for static objects, but not for dynamic ones.

The fourth could be a solution, but I find it rather complex. The point is to apply this behaviour on some objects along any obstacle. Not only a specific asset, and I feel that implementation will bring more problems than solutions as the sockets location/s and the constrain properties will be changing per frame.

Again thanks for the answer, I havent found a solution yet, but I believe that should be one.

The main use will be to control stable forces on objects, as if they where in contact. Leading to a equilibrium state at some point. So far the addForce resuts where at best, very unstable.
