Physical objects affecting player direction when stepped on.


I have been fiddling with my player character for a while now in search of a setting or something that could potentially lock his rotation when interacting with physics objects in the world, namely, when stepping upon objects, it said object moves it will update the player’s rotation accordingly, and I want to make it so that he stays in place as usually in other FPS games.

I would share a brief clip of it, but it seems that new users can’t upload attachments.

In summary, what I would like to achieve is for the player rotation X to be locked when stepping up on objects that are moving, thus removing that jittery camerawork, in other words, the static mesh will not influence the character’s rotation.

I’ve tried fiddling with the damping, walkable ‘NO’, collsions, can affect player movement option, constraints and a bunch of other settings… To no avail.

Appreciate the help.

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Hey @NickNittro! Welcome to the forums!

It sounds like you are having a collision issue between the player’s collision and the objects in the environment. I assume you mean smallish items?

You will need to go to the collision for the “trash” items and, provided you have the standard collision on the Player Character, set it to “Custom Collision” and set the “Pawn” category to “Ignore.” :slight_smile:

Let us know if you need more info, this should make them completely ignore each other! If this doesn’t work we may need to dig around a little.

Hello Brain and thank you for the response.

While this works to make the Character ignore the item, that isn’t effectively what I wanted to achieve, in other words, I still want the Player to be able to interact with the object (grabbing, pushing it etc) what I don’t want is that when the player is standing above said object, and that object starts to rotate, that the player camera moves alongside with it.

I really wish I could upload a small clip!

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For anyone who comes across this post as I did seeking a solution: If you want to make your character not spin when standing on the item, go to the static mesh asset then in the top left next to reimport base mesh click on collision>edit collision>remove collision. Also check the collision complexity is set to project default.

I got it! Go to your character blueprint > Character Movement Comp > Details panel > Character Movment: Walking > Ignore Base Rotation (Check it). Boom!