Physical movement - massive FPS drop


I am working on game with space exploration very similar to Elite Dangerous. To move my ship am useing seting physics linear velocity. All works perfect on low speed, but i implemented warp speed. At some point when speed incresses my FPS froms from 120 to 35.
My question is:
Is there anything i can do to fix my issue?
or is there any walk around this type of movement for high speed to get beter FPS?

Thank You.

if you are using tick to change velocity then try switching to Event Asyc Physics Tick.

There is a whole thread about it

Thanks for help man.

I found solution by creating new map and all worked good. My game is base in space so i made world partiton quite big. I reduce size by quite a lot and all went back to normal. No fps drops. The only think i was struglin is objects like stars ar not loaded in distance so i fake this effect by reducing size of star at high speed. Distance to object is multi by negative number. After that was jus matter of setting scale of object on aproach. now stars not desapearing, but slowly reduce size till 0 and all still in world partition boundries.

Thanks for your advice. I read some articles and i will switch all to aSync.

Do you also have the large world coordinate system turned on? For a space game it will be important.

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