Physical Materials not working on Landscapes UE4.13

Hi guys

The Physical Materials I’ve set up for footsteps aren’t working when i use them on landscapes, however they are working, when using them on other asserts.

Ive got the Texture Materical linked to the Physical material which is linked to the physiscs section of the Project settings. which is then linked to the charcherter animation.

As i say if the characer walks over a basic cube shape witht the same material on it triggers the right sound just not when its used on a landscape

does anyone know if the way you do this has changed for 4.13? ive had it working in all previous versions I’ve used.


Hey guys I’m Still having issues with this I’ve attached photos of the set up if anyone can help,


You can add them inside of the Layer Info files created when you paint, and for ‘layer’ materials that’s not supported

Cheers that’s worked perfect thanks