How to make simulated cloth and physical bones work in Sequencer?
Both physics simulation and regular animation works fine in PiE, but no physics in Sequencer.
How do i make Sequencer understand it and, i would guess, put there additional physics track, to blend it and stuff?
Using the animdynamics node inside the animation blueprint may solve your problem.
There is a very interesting live training talking about clothes, chains, hair and another stuff just using AnimDynamics. You can find it here
Man, you have no idea how grateful I am for a pointer toward any direction from which i might try to start poking that problem with a stick in any way! Thanks)
For a last few weeks i thought that it’s kind of taboo topic or something - not a single youtube tutor I asked have answered on it, here were only silence, no colleague of mine had any knowledge about it!
It’s being a crucial hole in what i’m trying to do, and that particullar functionality seemed so general and useful and there should’ve being tons of info on it, but… Either i’m clinically lame around google - or that topic being misteriously avoided by basically everyone. Some illuminaty grade ■■■■.
So, thanks again for any sudden light in this sad land of oozing despair and woe! Hurrah, i have some directions now!