Hello ! I’m currently working on a character with a lot of cloth ! I want to simulate it with bones, because i export it on some other software like marmoset for some rendering and i want to animate the cloth with bones and not with physic for that.
I’m searching a way to custom the collision between bodies.
I want to know if it could be possible to place somes bodies on the character and say as exemple :
“ok i want to have the bodies from the skirt only affected by these series of bodies on the hips, leg (…) and not the other ones with the collision enabled”
"ok now i want to have the bodies from the cape only affected by this bodies from the spine and the hips (as exemple to have to different bodies for one bones, a capsule for skirt, and a box for cape) for each part of the cloth i want to simulate.
(as exemple here i doesn’t want to get the bodies of the skirt interacting with the bodies of the cape)
If anyone have an answer it could be amazing !
See you later if someone have an idea, and thank’s for your futur help !