Hi, guys!
I am trying to make a concept of the soccer game with a physical based ball behavior.
I am adding impulse and angular impulse to the ball but there is no Magnus effect by default.
Is it possible to make it without doing any complex math with the help of physical settings or physical volume for example? May be in some other ways? Do You have any suggestions?
You can probably decompose the delta quaternion of the ball’s angular velocity into an angle-axis representation and then do a cross product of that axis and the normalized velocity to find the direction that the Magnus effect would push the ball.
Then just scale how much force you apply along your “Magnus axis” based on the amount of spin and the velocity of the ball, and you should have something that looks plausible.
I think a quicker and dirtier way of doing it would be to get it’s spin value and use that to trigger an impulse on the ball to move it. Might look nasty if not set up correctly and will never be 100% accurate but it could work.