I am currently working on a small game with other students and we’ve come accross an issue.
I am trying to setup a proper physics asset for our character, since death causes it to go into ragdoll physics.
However, we found out that, because of some options in autorig pro and blender exports, bones aren’t parented in a logical way. There are many controllers in the hierarchy, and so the head is not a child of the neck. The same goes for the forearms and the thighs that are not parented to the main body. This results in the collisions not only teleporting to the center of the simulation, but also behaving independently to each other. This makes it act as though the character was dismembered, with the mesh stretching to match the motion of the bones.
What I wish to achieve is some sort of hierarchy override, where the collision constraints would override the bone hierarchy, so that the head can stay attached to the neck by following its collision (the same would go for the arms and legs).
We also don’t have much time left on our project, so remaking the whole hierarchy and restructuring the skeleton and reimporting everything is pretty much not an option.
All help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.
Don’t hesitate to ask for further details if the situation wasn’t clear enough.