Physical animation - weapon in hand influencing character's physics

I have a character with physical animation. A weapon (skeletal mesh, tried also static mesh) is attached to the socket in the hand of the character.

If I push on the character’s hand, the sword follows the hand.
If I push on the sword, it rotates in the hand correctly.

What I need to happen now is - if I push the weapon, it should also influence the character’s physics accordingly, and the hand should follow the weapon/ the weapon should push on the hand and move it.

The result I’m looking for can be seen in the video below at 0:29 when the weapon is pushing against the wall and the character’s hands bend correctly.


Managed to progress a bit. Using the physical constraint actor (not component), I’ve got it working mostly how it should be. The only problem is that neither the hand nor the weapon want to move on the Z axis or rotate on the X axis (relative to the character). I’m attaching a screencap of the constraint actor settings:

Again, the result I’m looking for can be seen in the video below at 0:29 when the weapon is pushing against the wall and the character’s hands bend correctly:

I figured it out:

Put a physics constraint on the weapon actor.
Here are the settings:

I’m ecstatic

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