This is VR Quest 2, with a physics constraint for the hands, everything works perfectly until I keep my hands still, at the moment that the speed is zero (and the hand component reaches the “position target”) it seems that the physic constraint stop working, the only way that works again is by resetting the controllers or making it collide with a physic actor.
There has to be a simple option to solve this but I can’t find it anywhere, I’ve already tried everything!
Well I solved it by waking up the component every 0.2 seconds, although it is not a very clean solution, if someone comes up with something better it would be great!
HI, I’m pretty beginner in UE. I have same problem somehow but your solution didn’t work for me . the physic constraint doesn’t work in UE5 but in UE4 everything is ok. can you show me your setting for the HandPivot and HandMesh and physic constraint plz? I couldn’t figure it out for last two weeks.
Hey, your solution didn’t work for me either unless I had collisions enabled on the parent but then it dropped my frames significantly but I found that by setting simulate physics to true every tick on the model that’s attached to the physics constraint seems to work.
Had the same problem, hands kept sticking in place when movement stopped for a few seconds. The solution: the hands need to never sleep, default thresholds are too low. I created a new Physics Material, set “Sleep Linear Velocity Threshold”, “Sleep Angular Velocity Threshold”, and “Sleep Counter Threshold” to zero, then set this Physics Material to the Phys Material Override on the hand meshes. No more sleepy hands.