Hi i have a problem with a physics asset.
I try to make a simpel lamp on a stick, but the problem is, if i set the chain peaces to simulating an lift the stick, they are strching and behaving very bad.
Pic. with settings and whats happening
The settings of the Chain bones
And thats what happens if i lift the stick with ctrl+right klick
November 6, 2014, 6:12pm
Hi siebencorgie,
I’m not sure what it could be right off. Could you upload the .uassets so we can test it? Feel free to send it by private message over the Forums.
November 6, 2014, 9:06pm
Here you go.
Click the Body Mode icon at the top and change it to Constaint Mode.
Select all of the constraints.
In the Details panel, click Enable Projection.
Let me know if this works for you.
thanks, now the chain parts are connected, but they are trembling realy much when i lift the stick, is there any solution for?
November 7, 2014, 8:10pm
Try lowering the Mass Scale in the Details panel of the lantern (not the chains). I found that 0.5 works quite well.
Thanks, for your support, that worked.