Phsics Thrusters make Actor drift into undesired direction

I am really quite new to UE4 and currently in the process of grasping the physics thrusters. My understanding so far is, that they apply a force at a certain point onto the actor. This also takes into account the center of mass of the object, which enables something like maneuvering thrusters (e.g. thrusters on the wing tips that point up/down allow rolling).

So far I have used the thrusters simply to apply thrust into one direction (Positive X). The physics thruster is located at the rear of the craft and pointing towards negative X. Its Y and Z positions are both zero and the center of mass of the actor is (0,0,0) as well.

In my mind, this setup should make the craft move soley toward positive X, but it also moves its nose upwards (as if the thruster was too low on the Z axis).

Is there anything wrong with my setup or my understanding how thrusters work?

Also, please note that this is my first time posting on here, and I am not sure what additional information is usually given / helpful. I’ll be happy to provide any more information that is required.

Is there anything wrong with my setup
or my understanding how thrusters

Nah, your description makes perfect sense. What is the chance that the mesh is offset from the 0,0,0? Does this look like it’s smack bang in the middle for the mesh you’re using:

Also, is the mesh you’re using the root of the actor?

I am not exactly sure what to look for. This is the back view of my mesh with the pivot displayed:

The pivot is also the (0,0,0) coordinate of the actor. Regarding your comment: yes, this is the root of the actor.

Also, does the pivot of the mesh matter? My assumption would have been that only the center of gravity is of any interest.

Another oddity is, that with a rear thruster the craft always pulls its nose up - independently from the thrusters position on the actor. Even if the thruster is well above the actor on the Z axis, the craft still pulls up.