Presentation: Faster Prototyping In Blueprints
Join us for our monthly meeting as we discuss ways to speed up and enhance the techniques you use to develop Blueprints. will talk about several advanced Blueprint techniques, including: using macros to remove duplicated logic, creating functions to make Blueprint code available to other Blueprints, and building events to pass messages across Blueprints and levels. A basic understanding of creating Blueprints and using the Blueprint editor is recommended to follow along. Stick around after the presentation to ask questions and chat with other active Unreal Engine developers.
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R. Brown is the organizer of the Phoenix Unreal Engine Developers (UnrealPhx) user group and has been working in the game industry for the past 12 years. As a Technical Director and Lead Programmer for several large games, he was attracted to Unreal Engine because of its rapid development cycle, powerful C++ game engine, and supportive community. His goal for the UnrealPhx group is to provide a place where members can trade ideas, techniques, code, and even collaborate while learning how to use Unreal Engine 4 to achieve their own goals.