Phoenix FD

Is it possible to import a phoenix FD liquid simulation into UE4? I have tried using Alembic, but just keep getting vertex error messages. I have tried with Datasmith and FBX. Maybe I just have the setting wrong or I need to make some extra step in 3ds Max before exporting?

Be great if someone could help me solve this please. . .

I have had success exporting the liquid sim, but not the foam. After I created the liquid sim in 3ds max 2022, I select the sim ( the box ) , go to export, set to mesh, then using 3ds max I export it as an alembic file …Format: Ogawa, Extra Channels: UVW. Then go to Unreal Engine, import as Geometry Cache Experimental, Conversion : 3DS Max. Hope this helps.

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Yes thats the correct way, but upon rendering it in UE, the water flows so fast and looks unreal.
Frame rates are same in 3ds max and UE (24 fps). How to fix it ?