Philosophers- WANTED!!!! also, game designers. For community-things. Communal but not communist.

Hello and Happy Valentine’s Day.

I am working on a game based in Mississauga ON and I am just going to pitch this out here first before I do what I can myself and apply for the grant.

My background is such that I can speak way more Epic greek than C++ or any other computer language. So, I am slowly learning and I am asking for help to get this project done as soon as possible. I am working on the architecture and I am about to get into animations and the rest.

Why Mississauga? It is the 7th largest city in Canada, neighbouring the largest, Toronto. Naturally, it is a very diverse city.

It has a very interesting Town Hall, the Mississauga Civic Center. Notice the pilgrim’s tower. The place was designed by a Brit with brick imported from the United States and features interesting geometries evoking a connection between the ancient times and the present times.

Its sister city is Kariya, Japan, enriching an already abundant store of cultural treasure.

My business contact for now is (tentative website for showcase), but I am looking forward to hearing from you here through the forums as well. There is going to be content posted eventually as I polish what I have done already and work on more but not before I find out who is willing to join my company, Mission Cordillera.

A young student vaunting to be a philosopher, wanting nothing but good for the world, he goes to university thinking he would be part a virtuous commmunity, and… and… aaah! I can only explain myself through writing on the walls, the horror, very much writing on many many walls ladies and gentlemen…

Phillip Szymon Niedzielski
Mission Cordillera