Phases number limit?

Hi, there

I’m trying to make a video shows the construction sequencing.

I found the phasing time line can only be added until 2029.

Is there a way to extend this?

Or should I make each phase shorter?

Cause for my case, the timing is not important. I just need the video shows the sequencing.

Thanks in advance!

Hi ,

The current date limit for the phasing timeline is 2029 and there isn't a way to extend that at this time. Since timing isn't important in your case, shortening the time span for the phases would be the best option.



Thanks for that.

Further on this question, how can I change the default new phase time?

I found it very time-consuming if I have to drag each to make them shorter.

Or is there a way to multi-select and shorten them in one go?

Thanks a lot!

Unfortunately, there is no way to change the default length of a new phase, and there isn't a way to multi-select and shorten multiple phases at once.

This does sound like it would be a very useful quality of life feature to have, though. I recommend submitting this idea on our public roadmap here, so our developers can review it and consider adding this to our development backlog for a future update.

