I would like to do an old-style point-and-click adventure game, where for each level I prepare a 2D image of the background, which is drawn to take perspective into account (see, eg. https://i1.wp.com/chiptuneswin.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/perspective.jpg). Then, I would like to select a part of the image where the character will be able to move (define a navmesh) and make the sprite scale the further it is from the camera.
I understand I would be able to achieve that by coding the (x,y) → scale mapping, but with the perspective going a little bit side-ways this becomes complicated (and needs to be done on a level-by-level basis).
I saw Unity achieves this effect with a SortingMap, where one defines what scale should a character have where on the picture and the engine interpolates between the points. Is it possible to achieve the similar effect in Paper2D?
Similar (simpler) question: https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/150037/paper-2d-character-movement-question.html