I’ve been working on a little system which simulates a small Sector of space, it has worlds, two warring Factions and AI that governs it all depending on the current Situation, it all happens abstract in code as I want it to be a backdrop to the actual game.
Which is where my question lies, the actual game consists of many different levels, and I wonder if anyone has any idea how to add my simulation so it runs in the background no matter which level is loaded, I know the Game Instance Object can store Data to be persistent for a Game Session but could I add my Blueprints to it as components so they keep doing their thing?
I suppose I could always have a blank level with the world running the entire time and streaming in the Game Maps as they are needed but I am not sure if that is the best way to go about that.
If anyone has any suggestions I’d love some comments.
In your game mode you want to find this function GetSeamlessTravelActorList and override it including your actor.
One thing worth noting that I noticed, which may or may not be accurate for all actors, is that your actors might still be destroyed and recreated, so if you need your data during the transition it might not be there when you need it (for example, I noticed that playerstates get killed for a couple frames during loading and inconveniently right when I needed data from inside them ).
If all you care about is the actor being alive on either side of the transition though, that function should work for you.
Thanks! I’ll be looking into it, been spending a lot of time building a serializer for the World when im done with that ill try that out, though when recreated doesnt it loose all its former stats that were generated?